Subhadra Yojna 2024: Eligibility, Application Process, and Key Benefits for Women in Odisha


Complete Guide to Subhadra Yojna: Eligibility Criteria, Checklist, and Application Procedure

A Simple Guide to Subhadra Yojana: Empowering Women in Odisha

The Subhadra Yojana is a welfare program introduced by the government of Odisha with a mission to support women and help them become more financially independent. This scheme is specially designed to empower women by offering them resources and training to start small businesses and improve their economic conditions. If you’re a woman looking for ways to improve your financial situation or want to support the women in your family, this guide will explain how Subhadra Yojana can help.

What is Subhadra Yojana?

Subhadra Yojana is all about empowering women, particularly those from low-income families, so they can lead better lives. The government supports women by encouraging them to form Self-Help Groups (SHGs). These groups allow women to work together to achieve financial success by learning new skills, accessing loans, and receiving financial help.

What Are Self-Help Groups (SHGs)?

In simple terms, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are small groups of women who come together to work on common goals, like starting a business or saving money. In an SHG, women share ideas, support each other, and receive training on how to manage a business. Subhadra Yojana provides these groups with the financial help they need to get started.

What Support Do Women Get Under Subhadra Yojana?

The scheme gives women several kinds of support to help them become more financially stable and independent:

  1. Financial Assistance: Women can receive money to help them start small businesses, such as tailoring, selling homemade products, or running small shops.

  2. Credit Access: Subhadra Yojana makes it easier for women to get loans, so they can invest in their business or use the money for other financial needs.

  3. Vocational Training: The scheme offers training programs where women can learn new skills, such as tailoring, handicrafts, or any other vocational skills that will help them earn money.

How Does Subhadra Yojana Improve Women’s Lives?

Subhadra Yojana gives women the tools they need to improve their living conditions. With the financial support, loans, and training they receive, they can start earning an income without depending on others. Whether it’s setting up a small business or learning a new trade, this scheme helps women stand on their own feet and provide for their families.

Not only does this scheme improve women’s financial independence, but it also boosts their confidence and helps them take control of their lives. They can break away from traditional jobs and find new opportunities, making their own choices about how they want to work and live.

Promoting Gender Equality

A significant part of Subhadra Yojana’s mission is to promote gender equality. The program wants to ensure that women have the same opportunities as men to succeed in life. It fights for women’s rights and creates a fairer, more inclusive society where women are respected and valued for their contributions.

Why Is This Important?

In many places, women still face financial struggles and limited job opportunities. Subhadra Yojana helps change this by giving women the tools and resources to take control of their own economic futures. By encouraging women to come together in SHGs, the scheme fosters a sense of community, support, and teamwork, which is vital for success.

Subhadra Yojana is not just a scheme—it’s a lifeline for women in Odisha who want to become financially independent and take charge of their future. Whether it’s starting a small business, learning new skills, or simply working towards a better life, this program is there to help every step of the way. By promoting gender equality and empowering women, Subhadra Yojana is making a real difference in the lives of thousands of women across Odisha.

If you want to improve your life or help others in your community, consider exploring Subhadra Yojana today. It’s a pathway to financial freedom and a better tomorrow!

Subhadra Yojna Program: Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility    The women beneficiary must meet the following conditions to avail the benefits:
Residence    Must be a resident of Odisha.
Income Limit    Covered under NFSA/SFSS. If not, family income must not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh annually.
Age Limit    Must be between 21 and 60 years old as of 01.07.2024. Date of birth from Aadhaar card will be considered for age calculation. Born between 02.07.1964 and 01.07.2003.
Special Age     Clause    Women who turn 21 after 01.07.2024 will receive Rs.10,000 annually for the remaining scheme years. Women who turn 60 after 01.07.2024 will not receive benefits for the remaining years.
Ineligibility    Women falling under any of the following categories are ineligible for the scheme:
Income Exclusion    Women receiving financial assistance (pension, scholarship, etc.) of Rs. 1500/month or Rs. 18,000/year from any State or Central Government scheme.
Public Office    Current/former MPs, MLAs, Income Tax payees, or elected public representatives in Urban Local Bodies/Panchayati Raj Institutions (except Ward Members/Councillors).
Employment    Regular/contract employees in the State or Central Government, Public Sector Undertakings, or those receiving pensions after retirement. (Workers receiving honorarium like ASHA, Anganwadi workers, etc. are eligible.)
Vehicle Ownership    Ownership of a 4-wheeler vehicle (except for tractors, mini-trucks, and light commercial vehicles) leads to ineligibility.
Land Ownership    Families owning more than 5 acres of irrigated land or 10 acres of non-irrigated land are ineligible. (As per NFSA/SFSS family definition.)


Applicant Checklist: Requirements to Receive Benefit under SUBHADRA Yojana

Aadhaar Card    Applicant must have an Aadhaar card or Aadhaar number in their own name.
Mobile Number Linked to Aadhaar    Applicant's mobile number must be linked to their Aadhaar card.
Bank Account    Must have a single-holder bank account that is both Aadhaar-enabled and DBT-enabled.
Aadhaar Enrolment or Correction    If the applicant doesn't have an Aadhaar number or there is a data mismatch, they must enroll/correct it.
Opening & Enabling Bank Account    If the applicant lacks an Aadhaar-enabled, DBT-enabled bank account, they can:
(a) Open a single-holder bank account    
(b) Make the bank account Aadhaar-enabled    
(c) Enable the bank account for DBT    
(d) Complete the process for e-KYC    
Full Benefit for 2024-25    All beneficiaries will receive the full benefit of Rs. 10,000 from the scheme's launch, regardless of approval date.

This checklist  above structure makes it easier for applicants to ensure they meet all the necessary requirements to receive benefits under the SUBHADRA scheme.

Application Procedure for SUBHADRA Yojana Scheme

Mo Seva Kendra Odisha

Jana Seva Kendra CSC Odisha

Application Requirement    All eligible women must apply to avail benefits under the scheme.
Application Mode    Applications can be submitted both offline (printed form) and online (via SUBHADRA portal :
Availability of Forms    Free pre-printed application forms will be available at Anganwadi Centres, Block Offices, Urban Local Body Offices, Mo Seba Kendras, and Common Service Centres.

Form Submission    Applicants need to fill out the form and submit it at the nearest Mo Seba Kendra or Common Service Centre.
Discrepancy Resolution    In case of a mismatch between the information in the application and Aadhaar, the details from Aadhaar will be considered final.
Verification Process    Applications will be verified against government databases and through field enquiries, if required.
Self-Certification & e-KYC    Applicants must self-certify their eligibility, submit necessary undertakings, and complete e-KYC formalities (preferably through face authentication via the app).
Opt-Out Option    Beneficiaries may opt out of the scheme through the SUBHADRA Portal to pass the benefits to others, supporting the empowerment of women in Odisha.

This step-by-step guide simplifies the procedure, ensuring clarity on how to apply for the SUBHADRA scheme.

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